Tag Archives: Shaw recycled carpet

Sustainable Commercial Flooring: Leading the Green Building Revolution

Global population growth creates an increasing strain on natural resources, making sustainable manufacturing practices essential. Floor covering manufacturers have embraced this challenge, developing eco-friendly solutions that minimize environmental impact while creating healthier indoor spaces. To be considered “sustainable,” a floor covering must be produced by natural materials and by a sustainable process. The goal is […]

Customized Flooring – Making an Impact with Custom Carpet Tile

“Custom flooring” has become increasingly popular in commercial flooring, offering businesses and facilities the opportunity to create a unique and visually appealing space. With the ability to incorporate custom colors and patterns, custom carpet tile options can create a memorable and targeted experience. Choosing the right flooring is essential and the ability to customize can […]

Patcraft/Shaw – Recycled Carpet Makes the Old New

Patcraft/Shaw – Recycled Carpet Makes the Old New Recycled flooring products have become an important part of the business. We are all aware or diminishing resources and recycled flooring can help leave a smaller carbon footprint by reducing the amount of virgin materials that need to be extracted for manufacturing (and thus the amount of […]